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Summer Cleaning Specials!! Get Your Tile Cleaned & Sanitized

10% Off Tile & Grout Cleaning!!!

Call for a free On Site Inspection Today!!!

See Coupon on Coupons page for details.

The Secret to Sparkling Floors

All floors need maintenance. You may have thought your tile floors were maintenance free, but now you know the truth.The mop and scrub brush doesn’t get it done. You need a professional job with our DEEP clean system.


How Often Should I Get Professional Maintenance?

To help tile & grout stay beautiful consider cleaning every 1 - 2 years. Tile is thoroughly vacuumed with a dustless vacuum to remove all dry particles. Then the floor is coated with a pre-spray to loosen and suspend soil. Floors are then agitated with a brush to help loosen soil. Grout is pre-scrubbed to loosen soil from grout lines. Floor is then scrubbed and rinsed with our truck mounted machine with a heated solution to brighten, clean, and disinfect your tile floors.

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Stop Scrubbing on your hands and knees. Your floors will be sparkling clean again with our professional, DEEP clean system.


Call for a free estimate!
8:00 am - 4:00 pm Mon Thru Fri
8:00 am - 2:00 pm Sat
Contact page

(866) 674-7790

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