rug cleaning lagrange
Rugs Cleaned & Sanitized for Health
11/03/20 08:44 Filed in: rug cleaning
Have your rugs cleaned and sanitized for health at our rug cleaning facility. We are running a 25% off cash and carry coupon now! Take the first steps towards a healthy home by calling today 708-345-0922! Rugs are cleaned and rinsed with fresh water. Cleaned and sanitized. Hung to dry and then groomed, wrapped in brown paper.
You can save 25% or you can have us do the work for you where we come your home roll up your rug bring it to our facility clean and sanitize your rug and then return it to and relay it. The choice is yours.
Call today for a free estimate 708-345-0922. Its the first step to a healthier home!
For more information about our rug cleaning services click here

You can save 25% or you can have us do the work for you where we come your home roll up your rug bring it to our facility clean and sanitize your rug and then return it to and relay it. The choice is yours.
Call today for a free estimate 708-345-0922. Its the first step to a healthier home!
For more information about our rug cleaning services click here

Post Holiday Rug Cleaning Specials
06/01/20 08:38 Filed in: rug cleaning
Save 40% off on in plant rug cleaning when you bring your rugs to us and pick them up yourself after cleaning! This is our best sale of the year! Get your rugs cleaned today for our best prices of the year. We are in our 51st year of business you can trust us with your expensive floor coverings. We clean all rugs by hand.
Bring your rugs to us now and save big! Call now today if you have any questions 708-345-0922. We believe in only doing the finest work possible and superior customer service. Rugs are put through a thorough dry soil removal process and then cleaned by hand. Rugs dried then reinspected. Any rug that requires more cleaning will be reclined at no additional charge. All work gauranteed if you are unhappy just bring the rug back and we will reclean it.
For more information your our area rug cleaning services click here.
Bring your rugs to us now and save big! Call now today if you have any questions 708-345-0922. We believe in only doing the finest work possible and superior customer service. Rugs are put through a thorough dry soil removal process and then cleaned by hand. Rugs dried then reinspected. Any rug that requires more cleaning will be reclined at no additional charge. All work gauranteed if you are unhappy just bring the rug back and we will reclean it.
For more information your our area rug cleaning services click here.
Family Owned and Operated Since 1969
Save 40% on cash and carry rug cleaning in January!
03/01/19 11:15 Filed in: rug cleaning
Biggest sale of the year at Dunne Cleaning Specialist! In plant rug cleaning is 40% off for cash and carry customers! Bring your rug to us for cleaning and receive 40% off! Rugs should be cleaned annually. Our thorough in plant process will keep your rugs looking their best and extend the service life of your rugs. We provide a thorough dry soil removal process before we even begin the cleaning process. Soil can get trapped deep in wool rugs. A dusting procedure is what is needed to get out this deep impacted soil. This deep impacted soil can damage wool fibers if left in your rug. Vacuuming will help but not elevate this process.
Rugs are cleaned and rinsed. Fringe is cleaned and rinsed by hand. Rugs are groomed. They are returned to you wrapped in paper. We have been in the cleaning industry for over 50 years. We have the experience to do the job right. Call today for a free estimate. Click here for more information on our rug cleaning process.
Want us to call you. Click here.
Rugs are cleaned and rinsed. Fringe is cleaned and rinsed by hand. Rugs are groomed. They are returned to you wrapped in paper. We have been in the cleaning industry for over 50 years. We have the experience to do the job right. Call today for a free estimate. Click here for more information on our rug cleaning process.
Want us to call you. Click here.
Winter Rug Cleaning Specials
09/01/18 13:58 Filed in: rug cleaning
Rug cleaning is 40% off for cash and carry customers this month. If you haven't had your rugs cleaned in a year of more now is the time. This is our best pricing of the year. We have been in the rug cleaning business for almost 50 years. We will take care of your expensive floor coverings. We inspect all rugs before cleaning. Then we put the rugs through a thorough rug dusting procedure. After the rug dusting procedure the rugs are cleaned and rinsed. Spots and stains are worked on. Rugs are groomed and then placed in our drying area. After rugs are dried they are wrapped in brown paper.
We believe in doing a high quality job. We are family owned and operated. Call today with any questions you might have.
For more information about our rug cleaning services click here.

We believe in doing a high quality job. We are family owned and operated. Call today with any questions you might have.
For more information about our rug cleaning services click here.

Dog got you down? Made a mess on your expensive rug?
23/01/15 10:55 Filed in: rug cleaning
The holidays just past us. Man’s best friend just tested his boundaries and made a mess on your expensive rug and it smells to high heaven. What do you do? We might have a solution for you. It isn’t right for every rug but is a great solution for most. We have an odor elimination process. We take your rug clean and rinse it first, then put it in a bath with an odor absorbing solution and soak the rug. After the rug has been soaked we then drain the bath and thoroughly rinse the rug. While we give no guarantee on odor removal this process has been highly successful.
Each rug gets its own bath - this is an additional service, not included in the cleaning price and not discounted. We have had a great deal of success with this process. This process has saved many a customer from embarrassment with company by not having their home smell like the zoo.
Call us when you have need of rug cleaning. You can drop your rugs off and save with our cash and carry discount or have us pick up your rugs and drop them off after cleaning.
For more information about rug cleaning click here.
Each rug gets its own bath - this is an additional service, not included in the cleaning price and not discounted. We have had a great deal of success with this process. This process has saved many a customer from embarrassment with company by not having their home smell like the zoo.
Call us when you have need of rug cleaning. You can drop your rugs off and save with our cash and carry discount or have us pick up your rugs and drop them off after cleaning.
For more information about rug cleaning click here.
Clean annually for Health