You will remember our quality long after the price is forgotten 866-674-7790

In Plant off site Rug Cleaning Why?

In Plant off site Rug Cleaning Why? In plant services are more complete. What does that mean? At Dunne Cleaning Specialists we do a rug dusting procedure to remove as much dry soil from a rug as possible. This is step 1. We then choose from a multitude of types of cleaning what best suits each individual rug. While we have a modern rug washing machine not all rugs should be cleaned in this machine. Some rugs will require hand cleaning with different specialty soaps and others will require a choice between a few low moisture to dry cleaning methods.

We have over 56 years of experience and are proud to say it.
Give us a call today 708-345-0922. We love cleaning rugs and would love an opportunity to clean all your rugs. Family owned and operated by 3 generations since 1969.

For our contact information click here

For more information on our rug cleaning click here


In Plant Rug Cleaning on sale! 20% off this month!

In Plant Rug Cleaning on sale! Save 20% this month. Dunne Cleaning is entering its 55th year. We are very excited to see what the year brings. We have the experience to clean your rugs right! Call today for a free estimate 708-345-0922. Our family owned operation will get your rugs their cleanest. We inspect all rugs and determine the best way to clean your rugs. Not all rugs would be cleaned the same way. Some rugs are more prone to certain issues like bleeding.

Rug cleaning isn't for amateurs. Call a business with over 50 years in the cleaning industry. We will clean your rug its best in a safe environment. We have controlled drying and have many methods and specially soaps for all types of rugs as well as some dryer methods for extremely delicate rugs.

Call us for a free estimate or an appointment to drop off your rug 708-345-0922. We offer additional services like urine treatments, rug pads, fabric protection as well as UV protection. Let us assist you today with your rug cleaning 708-345-0922.

For our contact info click here.

For more information on our rug cleaning services click here.


Family Owned and Operated Since 1969 by 3 Generations

Call today 40% Off on In Plant Rug Cleaning

Rug cleaning on sale this month through the end of February. 40% off cash and carry rugs. Rugs are inspected, dusted to remove loose soil, cleaned and rinsed by hand. Dunne Cleaning was founded in 1969. With over 50 years of experience we know how to take care of your rugs. We are locally owned and family operated.

We can also deodorize rugs with our soaking process. Rugs with heavy contamination can be a candidate for this process. Rugs, which are a candidate for this, are thoroughly rinsed with fresh water. Then the rugs are soaked in a bath with an odor absorbing solution. Rugs are then rerinsed. Rugs are then shampooed both sides with a triple deodorizer shampoo. Rugs are cleaned and rinsed, groomed hung to dry.

We believe in doing the highest quality of work. We do not guarantee odor removal but are very confident in our process.
Call for more information 708-345-0922.

For more information about our rug cleaning process click here.

Vac rugs 1-13-2015

What is your plan for maintaining your rugs?

Rugs are an investment. How are you maintaining your rug investment? What is the plan for cleaning? The best place to clean rugs is at a facility dedicated to rug cleaning. Dunne Cleaning has been in the rug cleaning business for over 50 years. We know how to clean your rug right. No reason to send your rug to ammeters that clean a rug here and there. We clean many rugs every week. We will clean your rug right the first time. Call today 708-345-0922.

We use a thorough dry soil removal process as part of our cleaning procedure. Rugs are cleaned and rinsed by hand. Fringe is cleaned and rinsed by hand. Rugs are then put in our drying area to be thoroughly dried. After the drying procedure rugs and then inspected. Any rug requiring more cleaning is cleaned. Rugs that are ready are wrapped in brown paper ready for either delivery or pick up.

Our 50 years in business gives us knowledge about rug cleaning many other companies do not have. We offer delivery service and you can always drop off your rugs at our facility. We work a 6 day week Monday through Saturday.
Call today for more information 708-345-0922.

For more information on our rug cleaning services click here.


Family Owned & Operated Since 1969

Spring cleaning In Plant Rug Cleaning Sale

We are having a 25% off rug cleaning sale for the Spring! Get started on Spring cleaning and save! Rugs need to be cleaned annually at a professional In Plant Rug cleaning service. In home cleaning is not as effective and can be risky if not completed by a rug cleaning company. In Plant work should include a thorough rug dusting process. After rugs have had a thorough dry soil removal then rugs need to be rinsed, fringe worked on by hand and spots worked on to attempt removal.

Dunne Cleaning Specialists is in its 50th year in business. We are proud of the fact that we always put the customer first. Our procedures have been developed and refined over 50 years. Our customers like us because we have always done the best work possible along with providing work with honesty and integrity.
Call today for a free in home estimate.

For more information about our In Plant Rug Cleaning Services click here.

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