You will remember our quality long after the price is forgotten 866-674-7790

Rug Cleaning 40% off Sale January and February

Rug Cleaning 40% off Sale January and February! Call toady for a free estimate 866-674-7790. The sale is a cash and carry discount. All rugs brought into our shop and picked up by our customers are 40% off. This is our biggest sale of the year! If you are in need of rug cleaning now is the time to act in plant rug cleaning will not be offered at lower prices for the rest of the year. In plant rug cleaning is superior to in home rug cleaning. In plant is just such a thorough process.

The process has several steps. Starting with a thorough dry soil removal process. To get your rugs their cleanest and maintain them in plant cleaning is a must. Dunne Cleaning Specialists has many methods for cleaning your rug. All rugs are inspected and given the best cleaning for their fiber and construction. Rugs are not cleaned with a one type of cleaning process fits all. We treat every rug differently that gives us the best results and the safest cleaning.
Call today 866-674-7790.

Dunne Cleaning has been in business since 1969. We are run by 3 generations and are proud to say this is our 56th year in the cleaning industry. We give free estimates and are one of the most recommended companies in the western suburbs. We excel at pleasing our customers. Make the call you won't be disappointed.

For our contact information click here

For more information on our rug cleaning processes


In Plant Rug Cleaning on Sale!

Call today 708-345-0922, In Plant Rug Cleaning on Sale! When was the last time you had your rugs professionally cleaned? When I say professionally cleaned I don't mean on your floor at home I mean a real cleaning plant? Cleaning in home and cleaning in plant are two totally different types of cleaning. In plant is just a more thorough process that can't be beat. It is a multistep method of cleaning.

The most through cleaning of rugs is done in plant. If you have pets and have some "issues" the only real way to solve those issues is in plant. Your pet can be mans best friend but maybe not your homes best friend. We can help. Our in plant services has cured many a rug with pet issues. We love our pets too and can help when a pet has't been friendly with your rug.

We are available to help Monday thru Saturday. We keep your rugs 10 - 14 days and return them fresh and clean.
Call today for a free estimate 708-345-0922.

For more information on our rug cleaning services click here.

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