You will remember our quality long after the price is forgotten 866-674-7790

You don't even know your furniture is dirty!

We spend more time on our furniture than we think. Long day at work, we come home and crash on the sofa. Watch some TV before we go to bed. Over time our furniture changes color. We notice stains and spots but it is hard to notice the subtle changes that occur over time. I would encourage you to put a white towel over a vacuum head and vacuum your furniture and look at the towel when you are finished. You might not like what you are seeing. We can help you with this problem.

Get your furniture cleaned and rinsed safely by a company with over 50 years of experience. Dunne Cleaning Specialists started back in 1969. We are family owned and operated. We will do the ob right the first time.
Call today for a free estimate.

For more information about our Furniture cleaning services click here.

Post Holiday Furniture Cleaning Specialists

Look around at your home. After the holidays how has your furniture fared? Spills and marks? We can help with those. Dunne Cleaning has been a post holiday cleaning specialist now for almost 50 years. This marks our 49th year! We are proud to be serving the western suburbs for so long. We have seen many cleaning situations that lesser experienced companies have never heard of. We believe in superior customer service.

We are experts in furniture cleaning. We test the furniture to see what is the best method for cleaning your furniture. We can use a dry cleaning method, a dry foam method, a shampoo method or a steam cleaning method. We choose the method that best suits your fabric. The method that gets the best results.

Call today for a free estimate. Give a locally owned family run business a try - you won't be disappointed.

For more information about our furniture cleaning services click here.

John steaming chair

Family owned and operated Since 1969

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