Oak brook rug cleaning
Sent your rugs out for their annual cleaning yet?
19/07/16 14:45 Filed in: rug cleaning
Bet you haven't finished your Spring cleaning projects yet. Did you send your rugs out to be cleaned? Rugs should be cleaned with a professional process that includes dusting. Processes like dusting cannot be accomplished in your home. In plant cleaning should include dusting. Dusting processes will remove dry soil that has impacted into the backing. The dry soil that is left in your rug can act like knives against the rug fibers cutting them and the cuts or scratches in the rug fibers allow dirt to get deeper into the fibers of the rug. The deeper the dirt gets into the rug the harder it is to remove. Wool rugs are also noxiously hard to vacuum. Wool fibers under a microscope are very jagged. The jaggedness of the fiber makes it harder to get the dirt to release when vacuumed. The dusting process is much more thorough.
An annual cleaning and dusting will make your carpet last much longer and prevent it from uglying out prematurely. Dunne Cleaning Specialists has been around since 1969. We want to serve you with all your cleaning needs. Family owned and operated since 1969. We have the experience and we care about what we do.
Click here to find out more about our rug cleaning processes.

An annual cleaning and dusting will make your carpet last much longer and prevent it from uglying out prematurely. Dunne Cleaning Specialists has been around since 1969. We want to serve you with all your cleaning needs. Family owned and operated since 1969. We have the experience and we care about what we do.
Click here to find out more about our rug cleaning processes.