You will remember our quality long after the price is forgotten 866-674-7790

How often should you clean your furniture?

How often should you clean your furniture? One rule of thumb I try to use is how often are you using the furniture? If this is in your family room where you watch television then once a year. If your upholstery is in less used areas then every other year is a good frequency. Keeping up with maintenance of your upholstery investment can keep your furniture looking its best. Why replace prematurely when you can maintain? Call today for a free in home estimate 866-674-7790.

We have been cleaning furniture since 1969. We are family owned and operated by 3 generations of family. Cleaning is in our blood and we have the experience and systems to have your upholstery at its cleanest and healthiest. Don't you miss the fresh clean smell you had before? We can help you get it back. Dunne Cleaning Specialists knows furniture cleaning,
give us a call 866-674-7790.

Dunne Cleaning believes in doing the best in cleaning and delivering superior customer service. We won't disappoint you. Many of our customers have used us for generations. We look forward to working with you.
Click here for some of our testimonials.

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For more information on our furniture cleaning services click here

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Clean your furniture now and save! 15% off sale!

Clean your furniture now and save! 15% off sale! Call now before our best sale of the year ends 708-345-0922. When was the last time you cleaned your furniture? If you can' remember it's time. Dunne Cleaning Specialists is a family run company. We have 3 generations of family working here. We know our experience separates us from the rest. We can say this confidently because we are one of the most recommended companies in the western suburbs of Chicago. Go on any town Facebook page and chances are that we have cleaned for someone who will give us a recommendation. We are proud to say we have earned our reputation.

We are one of the few who specialize in furniture cleaning. We tailor our cleaning to your fabric. We have machines designed just for upholstery cleaning. No employee with 2 weeks of training cleaning your upholstery. Our family members have years of training and experience. Experience counts. We are just a phone call away and give free in home written estimates

For our contact info click here.

For more information on our furniture cleaning services click here.

boys on sofa

3 Generations of Family giving you the valued cleaning you deserve!

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