Air Ducts Dunne the right way!!
What do I mean dirtier after I paid for a cleaning? If a company stirs up the dust and doesn't remove what they have stirred up where does it go? Unfortunately it goes throughout your home after the air handler is turned on again. So getting an ok job isn't your only worry. Always hire the best and you never have to worry.
Dunne Cleaning Specialists has won the Angie's List Supper Service Award for 3 years. We believe in only doing the highest quality of work. When your ready to use the best give us a call.
For more information about Air Duct Cleaning click here.
What are some reasons to get your Air Ducts cleaned?
Those are some of the best reasons to get your air ducts cleaned. Some reason to choose us are that we have been around for over 40 years. We are also family owned and operated. We run criminal background checks and drug test on our employees. We only believe in doing the highest quality of work.
Give us a call today to get your air ducts clean and start breathing cleaner air today!!
Why wait - call now!!! When was the last time you cleaned your air ducts???
Call us when you are ready to clean your air ducts. Air Duct Cleaning Page
Indoor pollution levels can be two to five times higher and sometimes as much as 100 times more polluted than outside air.
How important is indoor air quality to you? Take a deep breathe and think about it.
For more information about Air Duct Cleaning click here Air Duct Cleaning Page
Schedule your appointment today.
Leaf Blowers and Duct Cleaning
Choosing a company with a good reputation should be your priority. We all work hard for our money and throwing our money away is not an option so do your research and choose well. Remember a leaf blower is a great toll to move leaves, not to clean air ducts.
Dunne cleaning has been in business for over 43 years, and we are family owned and operated.
Call us now.
You can breathe easy when you choose us for your cleaning needs
you have our word.
When did you last clean your air ducts? Call for an appointment today.
How much time do we spend indoors?
Having quality air in your home starts with cleaning your air ducts. Keeping your filter clean or replacing it on a regular basis is another thing that helps with quality air. Do your research and make sure you pick a quality company not some bait and switch fly by night outfit. Who you choose is more important than how much. If the company you choose cannot give you what you need then you are wasting your money. Sometimes people think I will get an ok job, I can’t afford the great job. What kind of people strive to do ok work? Not the kind of people that I want in my home. The kind of people I want in my home only want to do the highest quality of work possible. You either get a good job or you get taken in the air duct cleaning industry.
Choose Well, if not you are probably wasting your money and getting no job.
Dunne cleaning has been in business for over 42 years, and we are family owned and operated.
Call us now.
You can breathe easy when you choose us for your cleaning needs
you have our word.
When did you last clean your air ducts? Call for an appointment today.
Air Duct Cleaning - whats the difference between a good job and a blow and go job?
A quality job on the other hand has a vacuum hooked up centrally by the furnace, attached separately to each side of the system (supply & return). Power whips are used to sweep the interior of the trucklines leading from the urnace to the vents giving you a complete job.
The cheapest price is never the best value. A blow and go job is a waste of money. There are times when we say I don’t want to pay for a great job, I’ll except and ok job and pay less. Unfortunately life usually doesn’t work like this in the service industry. When you try for the ok job chances are you and your money will be parted with and unhappy ending to the story.
Hire a company you can trust to do a great job. Trust is always the best way to hire.
Call us when you are ready to clean your air ducts. Air Duct Cleaning Page
Indoor pollution levels can be two to five times higher and sometimes as much as 100 times more polluted than outside air.
How important is indoor air quality to you? Take a deep breathe and think about it.
For more information about Air Duct Cleaning click here Air Duct Cleaning Page
Schedule your appointment today.
Have you had your Air Ducts Sanitized?
Cleaning and sanitizing can go hand in hand. So when you clean your air ducts don’t forget to sanitize them.

When did you last clean your air ducts? Call for an appointment today.
For more information about Air Duct Cleaning click here Air Duct Cleaning Page
Some reasons to get your ducts cleaned
For more information about air duct cleaning click here.
Air Duct Cleaning who should I hire?
Over the years I have heard you do a good job but I just want to pay for an ok job. Is there such a thing? No. The cheap guy is cheap for a reason. You get what you pay for and with air duct cleaning, the lowest price usually means a bad job which can be worst than no job. You’ll be lucky after the cheap guy comes out and the price stays cheap, usually the price goes up, way up. Most cheap guys are bait and switch, meaning the cheap price is a come on to get their foot in the door to your home, and once they arrive the price goes up, way up. The price going way up doesn’t mean you’re going to get a good job unfortunately you are probably going to get a bad job and just be out a lot of money.
A bad job can loosen up all the dust and debris in your ducts, and this loose debris can be blown through out your home making the situation worse. No dust removed but dust all over your home. Think before you hire. We only believe in doing the highest quality of work. Why settle for less?
For more information about air duct cleaning click here.
What Does Dunne Do Different when the clean my air ducts?
When you think about hiring a company don’t just ask for the price to clean your ducts, find out how they do it. The service industry is not like buying a TV, if you want a Sony TV it’s the same model no matter where you buy it, in the service industry everybody cleans differently. Some companies don’t care if your Air Ducts are cleaned or not they are just there to collect a check. Do you want these people in your home? I wouldn’t, how about you?
For more information about air duct cleaning click here.
When's the last time you looked at your vents?
For more information about air duct cleaning click here.
When was the last time you cleaned your Air Ducts?
I hope that everyone had a great New Year. When was the last time you cleaned your air ducts? Can’t remember? Then it’s probably time. The National Air Duct Cleaners Association recommends that air duct be cleaned every 3 - 5 years. Cleaning is also recommended after any home remodeling. Duct cleaning can also help extend the life of your heating and cooling system. A dusty furnace doesn’t work as efficiently or last as long. The newer the system the more electronics, meaning more sensitive parts.
The moral of the story is don’t wait till your prematurely replacing your furnace, a little maintenance goes a long way.
Breathe easy we’re here to help.
For more information about air duct cleaning click here.
Benefits of Air Duct Cleaning
Research by the EPA has determined that system cleaning will allow systems to run more efficiently by removing debris from sensitive mechanical components. Clean, efficient systems are less likely to break down. They have a longer life span, and generally operate more efficiently than dirty systems. Duct cleaning will help protect your family from many different allergens discovered in air duct systems and provide dust-mite relief. Call for a free proposal today - 708-345-0922.
For more information about air duct cleaning click here.
Furnace Filter

Most fiberglass filters are 5% filters, this means that they stop only 5% of the particles which pass through them. For better indoor air quality, and increase furnace system longevity use an electrostatic filter. High efficiency filters can stop from 95% to 97% of the particles passing through them. These contaminants circulate throughout the house and you breathe these particles. Allergy suffers can find relief with better filtration and regular air duct cleaning. Service life and cost of operation of your furnace can be improved by having less particles passing through the system.
The moral of the story is buy a good filter and clean your ducts regularly for health and increased service life and efficiency of your furnace. This advice can improve your life and save you money in the long run.
For more information about air duct cleaning click here.